A new Radio Free Skaro episode!:
The days are long and the news is sparse, but that didn’t stop the Three Who Rule from tackling a smattering of stats and DVD news in order to get to the important stuff, a commentary for “An Adventure in Space and Time”. Chris was available for the news but wasn’t for the commentary, so in his stead TV historian and bon vivant Simon Harries lent his considerable knowledge to an analysis of Mark Gatiss’ love letter to Doctor Who’s fascinating origins. Thrill to stories of BBC Television Centre! Watch David Bradley own the screen as William Hartnell! Listen to three grown men gibber incoherently over that scene at the end! Pop Pop Pop!
Check it out:
http://www.radiofreeskaro.com/2014/01/19/radio-free-skaro-402-pop-pop-pop/ Direct download:
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs402.mp3 Check
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