an alarming trend...

Jan 03, 2014 23:25

I was checking around on amazon last night, just to price check some of the classic Doctor Who's that I still have yet to buy. Some of the prices have been way jacked up! "The War Games" was priced at almost $70 when the most I've seen it at $40-$50. I then checked out other titles - most were still at normal prices, but others were raised beyond belief. "The Two Doctors" looked like it was even out of print! I hope this isn't the fate of "Doctor Who" dvds in the US. If they sell out here, we just don't get anymore?! Yikes, unhappy thought! What, since the 50th anniversary is over, folks won't want to buy the classic stories anymore? Um, that's some totally wrong thinking there! I know I have to save for the dvds, but there's a limit to what they should be priced!


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