Radio Free Skaro #398 - 10,000 Maniacs

Dec 23, 2013 09:32

A new Radio Free Skaro episode!:

Despite the obvious dangers of the Blinovich Limitation Effect, the Three Who Rule came together in Edmonton for a pre-Xmas, pre-”The Time Of The Doctor” powwow. Besides many and various clips, rumours and idle speculatings about the upcoming Christmas special, the big news was the announcement that Rose Tyler herself, Billie Piper, will be a guest at Gallifrey One, mere weeks away! Other morsels of information also teased the jingle-belled minds of the RFS crew, including the tempest in a teacup that was the Missing Believed Wiped event at the BFI on December 21, topped off by a final set of interviews from Chicago TARDIS with volcano enthusiast Tracey Childs (from “The Fires of Pompeii”) and notable Davros impresario Terry Molloy. And if lava and genocidal geniuses doesn’t capture the holiday spirit, what does? Nothing, that’s what.

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