Title: Housebondauthor:
fannishlisspairing: The Doctor, his first wife, and his other first wife
rating: teen
length: 2256 words
summary: In the Gallifreyan backtime, the Doctor's first wife meets his other first wife. You might remember the funny cartoon that was mentioned here a few weeks ago about the
Twelve Types of Doctor Who Fan.
I liked it and admitted I was pretty much ALL those types, but I thought the Fanfic type was a little harsh with the mockery of self-inserts and Doctor/Tardis/Me threeways.
Then I decided that for my final
Who@50 Ficathon story, featuring the First Doctor, I would write that Doctor/Tardis/Me Threeway.
I ended up writing a story in the first person, from the point of view of the Doctor's Wife in the Gallifreyan Backtime. It's as canon compliant as I could make it. And it does kind of feature a threeway with the Tardis. :P Plus bonus Intuitive Revolution, Prydon College, Pythian Sisters, extreme classism of Old Gallifrey, special bonus Susan! -- and More!
It might strike people as a little shocking in some ways (though the rating is Teen, not Adult), so I also wrote a meta at the end about why I portrayed Gallifreyan Sexuality the way I did. I'd really love any reader reactions. I'm sure this is not everyone's cup of tea (I've noticed that the earlier the Doctor, the fewer readers), but if you're at all interested, please read.
Thank you!