Serious Moffaty Spoilers

Nov 25, 2013 17:40

The Mirror and Entertainmentwise have some comments attributed to Moffat which will spur even more discussion. But they're really, really spoilery. You have been warned.

Quotes and speculation under the cut:

First up, in The Mirror quotes Moffat making a pretty heavy reveal:

Asked about the Christmas episode and the regeneration of Doctor Who, Moffat confirmed Matt was the 13th Doctor and told the Mirror: "The 12 regenerations limit is a central part of Doctor Who mythology - science fiction is all about rules, you can't just casually break them.
"So if the Doctor can never change again, what's Peter Capaldi doing in the Christmas special?"

Then at Entertainmentwise we get this:

"Speaking to Blogtor Who, Moffat said: "We've only seen the tiniest moment. It's just the beginning of a process really.

"Of course, he's brilliant. And just seeing the energy and vitality that he brings to his performance, he works - he's like Matt - he works, he's a worker. And he's an extraordinary vital performer. The man is not at all elderly in style, he leaps around the place probably more than any other Doctor in that first scene."

He added: "But that's not how he's gonna play it, he's in a state of post-regeneration madness. It's something we're still working on."

So, we have a few bits of information to go on:

1. Matt's the 13th, and 'final' Doctor.
2. The Christmas Special takes place at Trenzalore, which is where the Doctor dies.
3. But, apparently, Capaldi IS a regeneration of the Doctor.

Speculating, it sounds like the Doctor dies for real at Trenzalore in the Christmas special, reaching the end of his regeneration cycle. But then regenerates again, thanks to plot device X. So, are we looking at Capaldi being a completely rebooted Doctor, a Nu-One? With none of the previous Doctor's memories, perhaps, so the new purpose Moffat mentioned isn't restoring Gallifrey, but rather restoring /himself/ and becoming The Doctor again?

Or can other conclusions entirely be reached?


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