Greetings, All,
This is a cross-post from, where I'm also a member. (The Mods there felt this should also be cross-posted to this Comm and referred me here. Since my understanding of this Comm's "Standing Orders" is that all posts here are moderated, I'm posting this for the Mods to evaluate, and edit as they see fit, before the final posting. That said, I humbly submit my post, and since there are no 'Tags' here for auctions, eBay, prop/props, replicas, all I could tag this with was 'sales'.)
I thought this would be a good time to pass on some info that I found on one of the other 'Doctor Who' forums I belong to. This info comes from someone that has worked with the Doctor Who Experience (mainly when it was in London) to restore some of the original props for display. Now it seems that with the "Big Five-Oh" on top of us, there are people on eBay selling prop replicas that he's recognized as ones he made back when Longleat was still going, and trying to pass them off as original screen-used props. (Note: I'm withholding his name because, well, it's just a username and wouldn't do anyone much good anyway.)
"I am just dropping by to let you know I have been alerted by COLLEAGUES to curtain ebay sales, and who prop sites (names will not be mentioned) which are coming up thick and fast around this time - which don't state clearly the origins of replicas - and may be being passing my early work off as original props, this is the trouble when a props guy like myself started small and made stuff over 10 years ago and sold them to make ends meet, before I professionally became more successful... and later they re-appear with a clouded history.
I know of two things which I made myself (replicas) a Tardis door LEVER, and a roundel being sold or have been sold by shellyh2002, In this auction it is not clear that I made this, and it is a total replica... the vendor also mentions an original roundel, which he's sold... i sold this door lever with a roundel on ebay circa 2008/9, if he did sell the roundel as original it's NOT (presuming it's the one I sold)
There is also a props site, which has a dalek eye ball on it, which is polystyrene and is said to be from the BBC visual effects, from an exploded Dalek... I made this in 1999 and it was the first Dalek eye which was on 'Dali' the part replica I made for Longelat Doctor Who exhibition with the help form JNT- which has now become the well known 'Resurrection' Dalek in the Asylum of The Daleks and the Doctor who Experience display.
I have never lied about the origins of my props & I FEEL it is important to differentiate the real from the repro! it is sad when people who bought stuff from me, 'big up' it's authenticity for a sale.
It is of great importance that people are not tricked into parting with large amounts of money, when they are being mislead or even lied to.
I mean this with the best of intention."
Like this gentleman, I also hope this helps keep people from throwing money away.