who fic: "Always the Fire" (Romana, the Doctor, the Master, rated G)

Aug 26, 2013 17:52

title: Always the Fire
rating: G, gen
characters: Romana, the Master, the Doctor
genre: angst!
1352 words

Summary: Romana is trapped behind the Time Lock and thinks about the Doctor.

For the who@50 fanwork-athon this month we are focusing on Four.  This story is from Romana's point of view as she remembers the Doctor, Four as well as possibly Seven, Eight, and a tantalizing glimpse of Ten. This story is not meant to be compliant with the Gallifrey audios, as I haven't heard them, but I hope it will fit loosely into the canon at large.  I welcome any and all questions, comments, or concrit.

Thanks to everyone in this comm who responded to my queries about the Time Lock.  I hope you will enjoy the story I ended up with.  Cheers!

( at my LJ )

the master, romana, time lords, the time war, stories

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