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Comments 8

ibishtar July 5 2013, 19:08:04 UTC
Right, so I signed up at the website for news notifications, and the e-mail informing of the tickets going on sale said this:

Tickets to the official Doctor Who 50th Celebration will go on general sale next Monday (8th July) at 11am BST but we’re giving you the chance to buy your tickets at 9am BST using the exclusive passcode provided below. You have a two hour priority window to buy your tickets before they are released across all of space and time!
You will need to type the code celebrate50! on the ticket purchasing page of celebration.doctorwho.tv from 9am BST on Monday 8th July 2013.


that_therapist July 5 2013, 19:21:34 UTC
Is this the first email these guys have ever sent out, cos it was the first I ever remember! XD

Not getting too excited about the Fourth vid TBQH. Wasn't the last one like this for the slightly rubbish PS3 game?


ibishtar July 5 2013, 19:38:58 UTC
First I've received from them as well. I think it's just for the sentiment of "Remember the Fourth on the Fourth" type thing, probably to tie in with his convention appearance. I notice the channel is now Seventh Doctor-themed being the seventh month.


that_therapist July 5 2013, 20:44:02 UTC
Thought as much. All they really seem interested in to me is trying to sell stuff. Only time I seem to be redirected to that doctorwho.tv site is when they have some really cool info tidbit. One that comes to mind is Katy and RTD talking about Death of the Doctor, and I thought it was going to be an interview the site did between the two. But all it was was som commentary or clip from a DVD interview. -_-

I really like the idea of devoting a month to each Doctor. But the missed Facebook covers for Four and Five cos the TV show was on at the time. :-(


fierce_fernweh July 5 2013, 23:30:34 UTC
Those moments when I hate being American.....and poor.....


squarededdie July 6 2013, 02:24:31 UTC
I received a Priority Preorder email from Big Chief Studios for their new Fourth Doctor action figure pretty much right after the Beeb released that video. Probably related?


lordes July 7 2013, 20:35:21 UTC
Omg I am so tempted!!!


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