A New New Who Fan

Jul 05, 2013 12:47

I just started watching the new series 2 weeks ago and I'm almost halfway through Season 4! Needless to say, I absolutely love the show ( Read more... )

questions and requests, hellos

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captain_slinky July 5 2013, 18:24:24 UTC
The changes in personality, think of it this way; remember what you were like 10 years ago? I don't know how old you are, but ten years ago I was a completely different person. Listening to Avril Lavigne, watching the final season of "Angel", wearing a stupid leather trench coat to go see "Kill Bill Part I" in the theaters, playing games on my Sega Dreamcast because nothing could ever top SEGA, they'll be making game consoles FOREVER...

...And now I'm a completely different person. I wear less hats now. I don't play video games much at all, preferring tabletop games. I read a lot more comic books than ever before. The me of 203 wouldn't even recognize the me of 2013.

And that's how The Doctor Works... he just does the change all at once :)


katje0711 July 7 2013, 17:48:43 UTC
I agree our personalities do change as we grow, but probably not 180 degrees! Although, in some cases, I'm sure they do.


captain_slinky July 7 2013, 17:56:09 UTC
Well no, not a full 180... and each Doctor is really quite similar at the heart of it all :)


katje0711 July 8 2013, 07:54:50 UTC


katje0711 July 10 2013, 17:06:03 UTC
I was checking your profile and see you are not only a Who fan, but a fan of LOST and Carnivale, as well! I also love your Bio statement. Ha ha ha. Don't worry about me, I already have one! Anyway, would you like to friend each other?


captain_slinky July 11 2013, 02:23:36 UTC
Let's DO THIS!!!

(although, full disclosure, I stopped watching LOST after Charlie died, never went back and finished the series...)


katje0711 July 12 2013, 15:32:32 UTC

Aww, that's okay. But do you mind telling me why?


captain_slinky July 12 2013, 15:37:28 UTC
I was very invested in the character of Charlie. When he died I just lost all interest in the show, then the next season came and we had a baby so there wasn't much time left over for watching stuff so I decided to wait fore the DVD, but by the time the next season was over and on DVD everyone was telling me that the show had gotten really lame and most folks had dropped it half way through that season... so I moved on. Spare time was spent on Doctor Who, Buffy, Angel and Farscape instead :)


katje0711 July 12 2013, 15:42:38 UTC
I don't think the show got lame at all. I mean, some people weren't happy with the ending, but I guess that's always going to be the case with any show. I personally loved it. Maybe some day you'll give it another shot. It's my all time favorite show, which you'll probably soon learn as my friend. LOL But Charlie's death was very sad.


captain_slinky July 12 2013, 15:46:50 UTC
It's all on Netflix, so I'm sure I'll get around to it some time :)

I don't like that I let the opinions of others keep me from finishing it... and they were even people I don't particularly like or ever agree with!


katje0711 July 12 2013, 15:47:49 UTC
Well, maybe I can influence you to finish! ;)

It's cool to meet another Carnivale fan. Sooo disappointed that was cancelled.


captain_slinky July 12 2013, 15:50:26 UTC
ME TOO! I thought for sure that they'd at least do some novels or comic books or SOMETHING! I worked for Comcast Cable at the time Carnivale came out, so I had all sorts of promotional goodies for it - T-shirts, posters, boxes of tissue(?)... the marketing department was always nice to us phone technicians :)


katje0711 July 12 2013, 15:51:53 UTC
OMG! Soooo lucky! If you have anything extra.... ;)


captain_slinky July 12 2013, 16:00:03 UTC
Pretty sure I sold or traded it all away years ago (I'm a wheeler-dealer type of guy, sell stuff at comic book conventions), but I'll keep an eye out :)


katje0711 July 12 2013, 16:01:58 UTC
I hear you! so, how often do you do a re-watch?


captain_slinky July 12 2013, 16:07:22 UTC
I used to do re-watches all the time, but that was before 2006 when Molly came along... now I'm lucky to get in a single watch!


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