So, I've seen this
pic around Pinterest for ages:
Normally, it has a caption of 'Never apply logic to Who' or something along those lines to it. But TODAY I saw it with:
ACTUALLY, for the people who were paying ATTENTION The Doctor has ALREADY read the words "Amelia's Last Farewell" If he went back AGAIN to see them EVER in New York or somewhere else, the paradox would be too much. Its quite simple when you think of it as 'timey wimey'.
The wording of the chapter title made it a fixed point, yes, we're aware of that. But let the enormity of the word 'last' sink in. It means occurring or coming after all others, as in time, order, or place.
It's final.
For the Doctor, he's never before had a 'fixed point' with Amy and Rory. All those other paradoxes he's created with them, they were never set in stone. But for him, a Time Lord, to see it written down, it's just that. It's definitive.
If he went back AGAIN to see them EVER in New York or somewhere else, the paradox would be too much. It's quite simple when you think of it as 'timey wimey'.
I was just looking through the
reaction post to The Angels Take Manhattan, so I know I'm not alone in being a bit confused as to why the Doctor couldn't go get them from somewhere else. So, was this someone's brilliant insight into something so subtle and simple that (let's be honest) we totally missed by overthinking it or is it really is just a 'Never apply logic to Who' thing?