Crack theory time!

May 15, 2013 14:27

I know there's a million theories out there and I haven't read most of them so I don't know if this was already considered before, but it has just occurred to me.

What if she is a sum of all the Doctor's companions? I've read from spoilers that she is meant to save him and that he thinks that she is perfect. She's funny and brave and beautiful and says the right things on the right times. So perfect that he thought she was a trick or a trap. What if she was made taken in consideration all the companions that the Doctor has had? Whoever made her put all the little perfect things in one single companion to make the Doctor want to take her into the TARDIS so she could fulfil her purpose.

That could also explain why the companions were taken and ended/will end up in The Name of the Doctor.


clara, speculation

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