Female Writers discussion...again

Mar 27, 2013 22:02

Both the Guardian and IO9 have articles out today about the lack of female writers in Doctor Who and British Genre TV in general (something I looked at a couple of years back).
EDIT: And here is Johnny Morris's response to these articles unofficially titled Why that 'Why Doctor Who needs more female writers' article is balls

The subject has also recently been mentioned by all the producers involved:
Caroline Skinner:
I certainly hope [we are going to see more women writing for Doctor Who]. Absolutely, it's very much my intention to see that. We're actually just looking forward to the next thing at the moment. We just called wrap on series seven. It's very much in my mind.
Marcus Wilson:
Due to schedules and other projects, both male and female writers whom we have wanted to join the team simply haven't been able to," he said. "For us it's about who can write good Doctor Who stories, regardless of gender.
Steven Moffat
I don't know why. We chase both sexes. There are many [female writers]. I think a female voice would be fantastic. But we're getting no luck there.

As the subject is being broached again I thought i'd ask people:
1. Do you think the show should attempt to recruit more female writers? If so, what do you think they would bring to the show?
2. Are there any female writers you would particularly like to see working on the show?

gender, writers, discussion

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