"Doctor Who Figurine Collection" now available in certain UK areas

Feb 16, 2013 12:33

So I've been keeping an eye on this one for a while now, and publishers Eaglemoss have FINALLY have some proper information on it. Eaglemoss have literal squatting rights to this kind of thing. They're behind the Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and various Lord of the Rings collections. Their most recent example is the Batman vehicles collection, and future collections include ships from Star Trek and a collection based on The Hobbit Trilogy. I'm amazed it's taken them this long to tackle Trek and Who, TBQH.

The magazine is currently only available in test areas around the UK, and seems to be the areas around Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. It is only available to buy in these areas, and if you live outside the test area, you can't subscribe either. There goes that idea. :(

The Eleven Doctors are naturally included, along with Cybermen, Daleks, Silurians, Weeping Angels, Zygons, Silence and Ice Warriors. Sounds like they'll be doing Cybermen and Daleks from other eras, but everyone else may be their 21st Century versions. All figures will be based on a certain episode.

Issue 1: The Doctor from The Pandorica Opens
Issue 2: Davros from Journey's End
Issue 3: Cyber Controller from The Age of Steel
Issue 4: Weeping Angel from Flesh and Stone
Issue 5: Silurian Warrior from Cold Blood

Oddly enough, no mention of any Companions. Just Doctors and Monsters.

Subscribers get the usual free gifts of a binder and a base, but also a 21cm figurine of the Emperor Dalek from The Parting of the Ways. But why just subscribe! Get a (and this is new to me) PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION! For an extra £1 per issue, you'll get seven extra Daleks from the 50 years (including Dalek Sec, a 1963 Dalek, and a heartbreaking Oswin Oswald Dalek all chained up), and a special base to display them on.

Plan is to launch the magazine if it's a success in the test area (LULZ, it's Doctor Who, people). But the rest of us will be waiting till either September 2013 or January 2014 for it. I'm going to say January, because Eaglemoss have delayed the Star Trek Starships one at least twice now.

Link Time! Especially check out the Eaglemoss site for 360 degree views of the first five figurines!

Official magazine site: http://dw-figurines.com/
Doctor Who Site Merchandise Guide article: http://merchandise.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/the-official-doctor-who-figurine-collection/
Doctor Who Online article: http://news.drwho-online.co.uk/#The-Official-Doctor-Who-Figurine-Collection-Magazine-(Test-Area-Only)

cybermen, magazines, daleks, sundry merchandise, weeping angels, toys, davros

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