AU!Doctor Who fanfic: First Impressions 7/?

Oct 24, 2012 14:28

Title: First Impressions (previously Greetings)
Fandom: Doctor Who, specifically NewWho
Characters: Rose Tyler, the Doctor, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, some OCs
Pairing: Eventual Rose/Doctor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own any part of Doctor Who.
Summary: Rose Tyler wakes up, goes to work and returns home at the end of a normal day. She doesn’t meet the Doctor, the Living Plastic or see the TARDIS. And from that day onwards the world she knows shifts forever, and another universe is born.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.

At the very least, they were both the sort of dashing hero to rush in at the last moment and save the day, only to escape without notice when it was all over.

mickey, rose, the tyler family, slitheen, stories

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