Title: Not Another Reunion Story or If Doctor Who Was Actually a Daytime Talk Show
charlottetripsRating: PG-13
Genre: crack, humor
Characters & Pairings: The Doctor/Rose ;P
Author's Note: I'm going to apologize right off. I don't know where this came from so don't even bother to ask. I do truly love the Doctor and Rose. Please believe me.
"Our special guest tonight has been known as a Defender of the Earth, the Valiant Child and the omnipotent Bad Wolf! Ladies and gentleman, I give you the one, the only...Rose Marion Tyler!" ***
Title: Hum
charlottetripsRating: PG-13
Genre: hurt/comfort, romance
Pairing: 10/Rose
Summary: from Challenge 94 prompt @
then_theres_us. First quote of story.
Her hair is a mess, black mascara painting circles under her eyes, her pajamas a thin protection in the chill but she doesn’t care.