Title: Ten Goodbyes and One Hello (11/11)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Brigadier, The First Doctor, Susan
Rating: PG
Summary: All of the current incarnations come to say their farewells to a dear friend in their own way.
A/N: Well, finally done. I don't know if the ending is epic enough with which to finish, but it says what I wanted it to say, and that's all I could hope for.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.
Dedicated to Nicholas Courtney (1929-2011)
Chapter 1: Two's Goodbye Chapter 2: Three's GoodbyeChapter 3: Four's Goodbye Chapter 4: Five's GoodbyeChapter 5: Six's Goodbye Chapter 6: Seven's GoodbyeChapter 7: Eight's GoodbyeChapter 8: Nine's Goodbye Chapter 9: Ten's Goodbye Chapter 10: Eleven's Goodbye Current and final:
Chapter 11: One's Hello