Who? Doctor Who.

Dec 19, 2011 22:25

Character you will be playing: The Doctor! (Preferably Matt Smith but would also consider both Christopher and David with the right plot).
Character Wanted and storyline:Jack Harkness: (This is optional, if you have an idea as well, feel free to honor me with it). So we all like a bit of slash, well, not all of us, in fact it seems as though we're dwindling away. The plot I had in mind for Jack in the Doctor, is a rather... odd one. After the Doctor's "death" the Doctor realized that he was getting "too loud", always the one to be adored and show off, he realized that for everyone he cared for to be safe he would have to once again use the Chameleon circuit to turn himself... Well, human. He traveled back in time, finding himself a place in an old English manor. But, this time, something went wrong, there was no one there to tell him to snap out of it and he served generation after generation of human 'masters', going from household to household, sticking to older families and coming quite, well, on demand.

One day his latest master dies and he learns of a new heir to it all and even the name rings a bell. An American named 'Jack Harkness.'

Rose Tyler/Belle de Jour (Hannah Baxter): I'm not too picky about this to be honest. I would prefer something dramatic between ELEVEN and Belle or Rose. Maybe Rose comes back and the Doctor has changed again, maybe she has too? Maybe the Doctor see's Belle and she reminds him of Rose and thus starts a wibbly sort of escort/doctor arrangement.

The Master: A little evil with your Doctor? Oh, I think so. Don't have any ideas but we could come up with some?

River Song: I LOVE River Song, Melody Pond, the superhero. And why not, she's a psychopath, there's tons of fun to be had with that.

Other fandoms accepted: Sherlock Holmes (cumberbatch), the Big Bang Theory (SHELDON!), Firefly, Merlin, House M.D, Supernatural, True Blood (He'd LOVE to meet a vampire) and many more, don't be shy if you want to play with the Doctor and the Character/Fandom is not listed, come and make a suggestion. I can only say "no", after-all.
Screen Name or Livejournal account: My AIM account is private, please comment if interested and I can PM it to you. :)
Is it for a RP community (if so, which one) or is it a PSL?: PSLs. (Though I would consider playing the Doctor for a community if anyone is looking for one).
Any other information you feel is important: I'm available nearly every day for quite a while. I roleplay in AIM, Live Journal, InsaneJournal, Google Docs, Email and even chatrooms. I'm not here to cyber-Sex happens but there's more to it than that. Just sayin' (sorry about that mods, you're right♥)


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