A wide variety of podfics

Nov 15, 2011 15:19

I recorded quite a few Doctor Who podfics for pod_aware, and there's still (at least) one more to come as part of that fest. All these fics were recced by me at the community calufrax at some point last week.

The fics I recorded are:
  • 'ceremony for the living' by Branwyn (Classic Doctor Who - Seven, Ace), 7 minutes
  • 'A Family Affair' by bagheera (Classic Doctor Who/Gallifrey audios - Leela and Narvin), about an hour and a half
  • 'To go daringly where few people have travelled in the past' by ElapsedSpiral (New Who/New Star Trek - Eleven, Amy, Kirk, Spock), 17 minutes
  • 'Personal Statement' by ProfessorSpork (New Who - Amy, Rory), 4 minutes
Title: ceremony for the living
Fandom: Doctor Who (Classic)
Author: Branwyn
Reader: aralias
Length: 1370 words // 7min 12 sec
Rating: All Ages
Characters: Seven, Ace
Author's Summary The Doctor attends his own funeral.
Rec on Calufrax: here.

Links audio // text


Title: A Family Affair
Fandom: Doctor Who (Classic)/ Gallifrey (Big Finish Audio)
Author: bagheera_san
Reader: aralias
Length: 19,860 words // three parts: 34:11min, 32:56min, 33:48min
Rating: All Ages
Characters: K-9, Leela, Narvin, Romana II, various excellent OCs
Author's Summary Leela and Narvin in a buddycop story, set between 3.4 "Mindbomb" and 3.5. "Panacea"
Rec on Calufrax: here

Links audio: one, two, three // text


Title: To go daringly where few people have travelled in the past
Fandom: Doctor Who (New)/Star Trek (New) - crossover
Author: ElapsedSpiral
Reader: aralias
Length: 3293 words // 16:45 min
Rating: All Ages
Characters: Eleven, Amy (Kirk and Spock - sort of)
Author's Summary Utter, utter crack. Crossover with "Star Trek". Hopefully funny-ish if you've seen both shows. Amy watches a certain science fiction movie. The Doctor possibly insinuates that said certain science fiction movie is not entirely fictional.
Rec on Calufrax: here

Links audio // text


Title: Personal Statement
Fandom: Doctor Who (New)
Author: ProfessorSpork
Reader: aralias
Length: 594 words // 3min, 30sec
Rating: All Ages
Characters: Amy, Rory
Author's Summary In which Amy helps Rory complete an odious task. Pre-series.
Rec on Calufrax: here

Links audio // text

I know I plugged it here already, but if you're interested in Doctor Who please do sign up to podtor_who (running 20th Nov to 19th Dec, minimum submission 1,000 words). Thanks!

ace, leela, audio stuffs, gallifrey, rory, amy, stories

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