Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Oct 07, 2011 19:08

Appearances Can Be Deceiving is now up on the Companion Chronicles Prose Series Website.

This is an amazingly professional website, and you need to go see it just for the fantastic graphics. Each story gets their own specially designed cover and unique website background for the week of their story. The background for Appearances Can Be Deceiving is especially beautiful, it's definitely worth a look here.

These are Doctor Who stories told from the Companion's viewpoint. So far they've done Rory, Leela, Jo, and mine, the fourth one, is Peri.

Appearances Can Be Deceiving (6th Doctor and Peri)


“’Let’s go for a walk,’ he says. ’It’s a beautiful day,’ he says.' Right, walking does not include a 90 degree vertical surface."

Peri muttered to herself as she struggled up the rock face. It was irritating enough having to deal with one Doctor, she didn't think she'd have to deal with two. Or have to deal with herself, an other self, a different self.

She stared at the other Peri, with her one hoop earring, her biker boots, and her Bowie knife.

Okay, that was just weird...

Available by clicking here!

Please give it a read and leave a comment. Thank you!


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