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aareavis May 30 2011, 11:15:29 UTC
Something very strange is definitely going on! I can't tell who's working for who ( ... )


shadow_hive May 30 2011, 13:43:01 UTC
It is getting rather twisted isnt it?

I agree, that the Silence and Kovarian are working for different people, why else would they get Amy to tell him she was pregnant?

I like that, it makes a strange sort of sense. I agree the suit seems to have been created solely to keep the child safe and alive (which makes sense if they'd kidnapped her) but it also gives her communication and mobility (which doesn't make sense). After all, like you say, the Silence are everywhere and could have locked her up (and certainly should have the moment she started calling the president).

I hope we find out sme of the answers! I know some will obviously await next week, while others will be in the second half of the series (boo!).


eviltigerlily May 30 2011, 15:20:58 UTC
The copy is there to fill Amy's place after she is kidnapped and to keep her consciousness engaged with the Doctor and Rory, not her real surroundings. There is no particular reason that finding out Amy is pregnant should alert the Doctor to anything. It is the fact that Amy is pregnant and the copy is not that causes the problem.


aareavis May 30 2011, 19:20:17 UTC
I don't think so. If the scanner definitively showed that Amy was pregnant, The Doctor would probably do more tests and more tests until one of those showed an abnormality in her molecular structure.

If the scanner showed definitively that she wasn't pregnant, I believe it was just a matter of time before he found out anyway. He worries enough about his companions anyways. Give him the barest whisper of a reason to worry more and he'll be on you like white on rice.


msboku May 30 2011, 20:55:20 UTC
He became suspicious when she was describing how she felt after seeing the Silence. No one else felt sick at any other time except for River who felt sick once but didn't remember or link it.
The scanner show both pos and neg for pregnancy. The real Amy is the ganger wasn't which is why it read pos and neg at the same time. Since the flesh is Amy at the same time it's not.


oneiroelpida May 31 2011, 05:41:30 UTC
Random interjection here, but do you think the Ganger could be undergoing what we term a 'phantom' pregnancy? Hence the TARDIS occasionally picking up that she's 'pregnant'? Since the real Amy IS, then the Ganger could be having symptoms and so forth.

What leaves me so puzzled is the latest episode where the Doctor keeps telling her to breathe, and the ganger!Doctor even tells her to only push when "She tells you to"... it definitely implies that, as we knew, the Doctor knows she's pregnant, but that he CERTAINLY knows who "She" is that will be giving her the instructions to push or not. Even earlier in the episode when Amy tries to tell the Doctor about seeing the woman again, the Doctor shrugs her off... I thought at the time it was odd, since he'd normally want to know all about it considering Amy's past. But he tries to calm her down instead. It's possible he deduced the "She" from Amy talking about the woman, but it's still all odd.


msboku May 31 2011, 11:25:03 UTC
Well he didn't want to let on that he knew she was a ganger ESP since they were still trying to learn about the hangers and their connections. That's why he shrugged it off. And yes that's he reason why the tardis was picking up the pos neg results. It was picking up he real Amy too because of the connection the gangers have with each other.


lilybeth84 May 30 2011, 16:02:13 UTC
Perhaps the Silence arc will be at the end of series 6, not part of the mid series finale. But who knows!


aareavis May 30 2011, 19:07:32 UTC
I was thinking that myself. Tie up Amy's pregnancy in the next episode and the premiere of 6b and then we start dealing with The Silence after that.


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