The Camels back, and what broke it

Apr 06, 2010 16:39

Molly has been watching Doctor Who pretty much ever since she was born. She's seen three Doctor regenerations, lived through the loss of countless companions, survived every invasion from Daleks to Cybermen and all points in-between... all without a whimper or a tear.


We attempted to watch the first episode of the new K-9 spin-off today, and we were really digging it till (SPOILER) they debuted K-9's sleek new "iPod"-esque design and SHE FLIPPED OUT!!!

Literally 45 minutes of uncontrollable crying, sobbing, cuddling her classic K-9 action figure and asking me VERY sweetly to PLEASE Daddy PLEASE make the new K-9 have the old K-9 in it instead of that NEW Robot-Puppy PLEASE.

K-9 is her absolute FAVORITE character in all of Doctor Whodom (other than The Daleks, whom she says are her "Friends"), and I really hope she can get over this attachment to the old K-9 so we cna begin to love the NEW K-9!

k-9, k-9 the series

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