Help Me Save Ten!

Oct 15, 2009 11:46

Alright ladies and gents, I come to you from a completely different community specifically because, well, I realized I didn't have a single Dr. Who specific community in my listing. Of course I had to remedy this, being a fairly newly introduced fan. So hello! I hope to learn a lot of nifty stuff from you guys. >.> And eventually have my old school fans NOT desire to kill me because of my stupid questions.

That said, however, I have to beg your help! In said other community, there is currently a fandom showdown running. Ten has made it to the final rounds, and now there are those who wish to have him die! We can't have this, can we? So please, if you are so inclined, help save Ten by going to this link (click) and voting for Dean, who is next highest in votes for death this round. Quickly! There isn't much time left! (I think only 10 minutes?)

ETA: Sadness. The poll was closed earlier than I expected, and we just didn't have the force of numbers we needed. Anyone who wants to revenge-vote to kill Dean next round is MORE than welcome to do so, though. He (and his fans in the community) did kill Ten, after all. XD Go vote for Dean here. Anyway...

I hope to make new friends here and find a warm welcome. <3 Oh, and save Ten. Nice to meet you all!

xposted to one other community I'm joining today


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