Dangers of Dihydrogen MonoxideFandom: Justice League
Characters: Junior, Goldie, Booster/Beetle (mention), Pulsar (mention), Max, J'onn
Word Count: 4542
Rating: PG-13?
Author's Notes: Since the Boostle content in this will be minimal, I've decided to post it here in my own journal. New updates are linked to on
boostle in the notes for stories that
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Comments 67
Happy things! LA LA LA.
"I've found him. His thoughts are...erratic."
"Wet dream?"
J'onn grimaced. "Erratic, not ero--"
Hee, poor J'onn. The more things change....
Also, Goldie now speaks like Harley in my mind.
The Blue and Gold delight in bothering the Green, no matter what generation. ^_^
...Ack! I tried doing Harley voice in my head for her lines and it was weird. *laugh* But whatever works for you. I've got no room to talk, I still haven't found her voice. ;D
And now I have images of her talking like that whenever she speaks to Ted, just to irritate him. Booster, for his part, is amused.
Hi! I am random and strange.
Ted: *sigh* I've told you, Goldie. Just call me Ted.
Goldie: *points* You got it, Mista K.
Ted: >_<
Booster: XD
Ted: I blame you!
Booster: ...Yeah. ^_^
Goldie: ^_^
Ted: >_<
Firefly reference for the win!
And I really didn't need to know that about the carrot bits in puke @_@
Junior! *huggles* ;_;
Heh, it's true! And that is why there is always carrot in puke, even if you never ate any. I cannot remember where I learned this, but it was years ago and it's stayed with me all this time.
I am fully convinced that Ted has some sort of mental/mood disorder. And as far as the Mullet-verse is concerned, it is, as Booster once said, manic-depression (now known as bipolar disorder). I'm currently trying to collect canon evidence to support this. ^_^
As to the gambling, I now quote you Skeets in issue six of Booster Gold, when telling Superman why Booster's mom and sister were so upset when Booster got busted for gambling: "Michael was only four when his father, a compulsive gambler, lost everything he'd ever had and abandoned them." It is genetic! And Junior has managed to pick up the genes for both those traits.
Heh, can you tell I'm a psych geek? ;D I could babble on about this stuff all day!
I like the distracted writing in this one. Frenetic. S'good!
And with any luck, I'll end the next chapter with a cliffhanger, too. (At least that's what I have planned. Dunno if it'll actually happen.)
Do it again.
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