Fuck you, intarweb! Fuck you!
I am without internet access on my computer. Because I updated the security. At least, that's the only thing I changed immediately before it stopped working. Loaded the updates, restarted the computer, lost internet access. But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my logic is all kinds of screwy, here. I dunno.
I'm the only one particularly bothered by it, apparently. Thanks, family. And my dad has banned me from using the internet on his computer because for no apparent reason the internet access on it and all the other computers simultaneously quit working. I was the one to notice it. See, I'd used his computer maybe an hour or so ago, then tried to get on to check my mail again (which was pretty much all I'd done before). Wouldn't connect. WTF? So I went and checked my mom's computer. No access there either. Asked my sister if she'd had trouble with hers. Said she'd gotten disconnected a bit ago. So I told my dad and pretty much the first words from his mouth were "I don't want you on my computer." -_- Thanks, dad. So I explained that it was all the computers and then forgot about it for a while. Dad got the internet working again, and maybe an hour or a couple I got on his computer to check my mail. He comes out again and says "I thought I told you I didn't want you on my computer." ...Yeaaah, I thought that was because you didn't realize I'd had nothing to do with the disconnect and that the ban had been lifted upon realization that, hey, I didn't fucking have anything to do with it. Oh, but you didn't realize that, did you? My mistake. We seem to be having communication issues all over the damn place, don't we? And I'm just a dumbass. So sorry to bother you.
Y'know what? Fuck you, dad. Next time I notice a problem with someone else's computer I'm walking to the fucking library to use theirs. You can find the fucking problem yourself.
...So now I'm once again dependent on when mom isn't on her computer. Which sucks extra because, as mentioned in a previous entry, she deleted all my fucking music. -_-
Intarweb gremlins, intarweb gremlins, return the connection you've taken from me! Dunno what I've done to piss you off so, but I sure didn't mean to.
:P at the world in general. I'm tired and pissy and I'm in the middle of writing something with bits that come to me at all hours but I have to wait to write down and in the process lose stuff. I can only run the same words over and over in my head so many times before I start losing some of them. Sad, but true.
So! Thanks, dad, for instructing me to download the damn security update in the first place. I was getting along just swimmingly without it, but this is so much better. Yeah.