I'm back!
Well, back from the con, anyway. We're still chillin' at my parents' place, and probably going home tomorrow.
Found out earlier that one of the cats was seriously sick, like had to go to the vet emergency room sick. So we're out a couple hundred on vet bills, I think. Luckily, Nick got vacation pay this week, on top of his usual pay. So that's something we'll have to deal with when we get home.
Found out I'm only working one day this week. But apparently the schedule's been fucked up lately, so that might be what's up with that. Going to man up and talk to the manager about the extreme lack of hours and my inability to pay bills with the bullshit pay I'm making. I need either more hours or I need consistent enough hours that I can get a second job. Considering looking for another job during ALL MY FREE TIME this week, if the schedule doesn't get adjusted.
Got to see Marzgurl again at this con. Poor thing didn't have a good time. She
vlogged about it. Got a mention at about the eleven minute mark (donut-giver, not the "Doc" she mentioned, different Doc).
big_ringer and I have decided that next time we see her, we're making sure she's happy, fed, and has a place to sleep.
There's probably more I'm forgetting, when isn't there? But I'll leave it at that for now. Fair thee well, gentle AnimeFest, we shall meet again one year hence!