G'night, Jon-boy!

Aug 24, 2009 20:58

As you may or may not know (because I can't remember if I've mentioned it here), I was planning to cosplay as Jon Stewart at the upcoming AnimeFest I will be attending. Why? Because I spoke with someone who was planning to cosplay as Stephen Colbert and it seemed like a really awesome idea. (Shut up, I already know I'm a dork.)

Well, unfortunately, my fellow cosplayer will be unable to attend and without a Stephen, the Jon "costume" doesn't really make as much sense. (As I described it, I would put stuff in my hair and run around in a suit. Highly involved this costume ain't.)

So while we may be trying again next year, this year's AnimeFest will be sadly fake fake punditless. (Unless someone else is equally dorky, in which case I will shake their fuckin' hand.)

In the mean time, here's what I had put together thus far.

(Yes, I added some grey with Paint Shop Pro.)

Yeah, I'm hot shit.

a con, better than the real thing any day, doc in disguise, babble

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