Week 130 is memory transfer. If a character touches another character, a random memory is transferred. The character that initiated the contact will receive a memory from the person they touch, even if it is by accident. Both parties will know what's happened, and what memory was transferred over. The length of the memory is up to the writers, but no longer than about five minutes. It's not the story of their life, just a snippet. Finally able to make noise without being suffocated or going brain dead, John and Sherlock
get it on after they share memories of Sherlock shooting up and masturbating and John camping with his sister and losing a patient on the operating table.
Kenzi makes a ridiculous post on the network and John and Sherlock agree to
meet her for breakfast.
John has a very, very distressing realization from
a talk with Harry Dresden and Chell. They're clones. And those terminated are used as fertilizer for the biodome.
John, Kenzi and Sherlock
head to the Hatter's Domain for fun, adventure, and potential booze. Unfortunately, John was hit through the middle with a rod from an angry Doll Face Thing and died. Sherlock was not happy. At all. Kenzi stopped him from killing himself at least.