(no subject)

Feb 12, 2007 01:03

I'm restless.
I have a good job and I like it.
I'm still living relatively paycheck-to-paycheck, but I work for a non-profit and live in one of the most expensive cities in the country, so that's understandable.
I spend Saturday afternoons watching college football or basketball, depending on the season.
I go to Happy Hours, meet up with friends, try to go to random lectures and free events. I even found a church that I like. Priests are Jesuits and the homilies have been really good.
The thing is, I have plenty of time on my hands and I really don't know what to do with it.
I feel like I should be doing some worthwhile activity. My mom suggested taking courses to get myself ready for graduate school, whenever I actually decide to go to graduate school.
Volunteering can be a little "one-off" at times, and I don't feel like I'm contributing anything. I feel like a spectator, not a stakeholder. Certainly not a player.
I need something more to do. Something that I can really sink my teeth into and get deeply engaged in. Something that will supplement what I'm learning at work, and hopefully give me more direction for my future.
Because let's face it, I doubt I'm going to get far by watching college basketball all day.
Any ideas?
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