(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 22:03

LJ Interests meme results

  1. art:
    Art...hmm...I tried making a scrapbook of my summer at camp, but I'm slow and haven't finished...
  2. college:
  3. naughtionya:
    Natanya Green...let's just say we'll be hanging out sometime real soon and I'm oh, so excited! Basically, it can be summed up in four simple words: Faith have, high aim!
  4. nfty:
    Welcome to NFTY! NFTY NFTY NFTY! Go the fuck to bed! At NFTY NFTY NFTY!
  5. singing:
    Who doesn't love singing? Basically my life as we know it...even though this is a lie...but I truly love to sing!
  6. swimming:
    Nothing feels better than a good swim...I've developed a relationship with my lane line...it's getting serious and I think I'm in love.
  7. taking pictures:
    Serena Lewis.
  8. theater:
    Like singing, it is a love I cannot explain. I feel like I'll be around A LOT of it this year.
  9. water polo:
    This interest is a lie. I don't really like water polo. As a matter of fact, I pretty much hate water polo.
  10. :

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