[OOC: that question thing]

Oct 02, 2010 23:36

4. ♥!

I play Ishida Ryuuken, Kunogi Himawari, Touda, Fuuma, Conrad Weller, Kanda Yu, Senroh Chigusa, Oruha, Gracia Hughes, Naoe Nobutsuna (Tachibana Yoshiaki) and Tsuruga Ren.

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doctorquincy October 3 2010, 04:45:44 UTC
I'LL BET. XD Um. God. Okay, so Conrad actually really likes Richter a lot. He thinks he's very interesting and intelligent when he, yanno, actually talks instead of throwing a hissy fit. Which Conrad also kind of likes because he's a terrible person. He does think Richter's life fucking sucks and he really wishes there was something/anything he could do to help, so he mostly just. Tries to be there for him in case Richter ever needs to talk or rage or . . . stab. He also definitely has a sort of affinity with him because they're both half-breeds and had shit happen in their past and they lost their important person, etc. etc. etc. Conrad is also pretty attracted to Richter! I THINK THIS WAS KIND OF OBVIOUS, at least OOCly. XD ICly Conrad is pretty chill with just casually touching Richter when he can get away with it and getting him to open up without pushing too hard. ALSO, YOU ARE SO IN TROUBLE WHEN I AGE BACK UP, YOUNG MAN. Other than that, I don't even know what else. I can expand on stuff if you have any specific questions.

Your characters are entered into a beauty contest. Who wins?


bearfisting October 3 2010, 05:06:52 UTC
Judith has too much fun dressing up everyone else in various pageant outfits and probably doesn't even bother to go up on stage, ends up drinking with the judges. Richter spends most of his time trying to get Judith to stop touching me god dammit woman!! until Judith ends up knocking him out while trying to calm him down ... and then gets him drunk later by saying it's pain medicine for that nasty bump on his head. Musubi looks super cute and charms all the judges with her big ... personality. River wanders in half way through and a modeling agency tries to recruit her, as the crazy waif is totally in this year, but she ends up wandering off again. Musubi wins by default, as no one else turned up for a substantial amount of time on stage. then Judith gets everyone wasted.



doctorquincy October 3 2010, 05:12:46 UTC
GENERALLY, he was . . . mostly okay with it. He was a little :/ because THAT WASN'T ACTUALLY HIS FAULT for getting stuck with Richter, but he knows what it's like to be so angry and frustrated that you just really want to shank something. He was more worried about what Fon would do and obviously his fears were confirmed. On the actual physical side of things, he hated not being able to move about as he wanted. He doesn't generally get injured because he's fucking badass with a sword, so getting caught by surprise and being laid up after made him kind of -_-.

Do you want a cast for River?


moondropkick October 3 2010, 05:24:54 UTC
I ... always want a cast for things. But Firefly especially I think has the potential to be really fun in Camp. WHO WANTS TO BE ENFORCE COUNSELED BY CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS I KNOW I DO!!

... is Conrad actually going to start trying to find out where Richter lives after he ages up.


doctorquincy October 3 2010, 05:28:25 UTC
Not right away, at least. He's hoping he'll be able to catch Ricther when he's not asleep and talk to him that way first. If that doesn't work, he may take more . . . extreme measures.

What are Richter's thoughts on younger Conrad?


moondropkick October 3 2010, 05:46:43 UTC
Richter, is ... again, a little >:|!! at not being able to read normal Conrad at all, because he can usually guess when people have ~troubled~ pasts (so he can use that to manipulate them lolol) but ... CONRAD NEVER LETS ANYTHING SLIP SO OH SURPRISING!! I think a lot of the time Richter has issues with seeing people as three-dimensional, and while he doesn't really have that problem with Conrad at this point the deaging made it more apparent. He is still surprised he would ever miss the constant smiling ...

uh DOES CONRAD ACTUALLY WANT TO TAKE RICHTER HOME? wtf would he even do with him in demon land.


doctorquincy October 3 2010, 05:53:59 UTC
If Richter was actually willing to go, Conrad would bring him home in a heartbeat. Umm . . . the biggest thing would really just be to give Richter a chance to live a normal, non-fucked up life and he could sick his mom and Yuuri on him. And keep him away from Anissina. And he and Gwendal could have tsun offs. And Richter could just . . . be free, basically.

What's one thing you really want to do in camp with any of your characters?


istheship October 6 2010, 01:20:41 UTC
Iiii want to do have River involved in a plot where she can troll people and be badass at the same time. SAME THING WITH JUDITH TOO LOL

what would the boggart appear as for your characters?


doctorquincy October 6 2010, 14:01:48 UTC
I don't . . . actually think any of my characters would have one aside from Naoe and possibly Ren. Naoe's would be Kagetora-sama!!! And he would have a fucking psychotic break as a result. Ren's . . . I'm not actually sure. There are SPOILERS in his past that we haven't really learned about yet, so it wouldn't be possibly to actually play anything out. I was tempted to add Julia in there for Conrad, but that's not really a fear? (Note that I am not into HP so I only vaguely know what a boggart actually is. >>)

Is there anything that you feel is missing from your lineup?


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