Nov 01, 2009 15:04
So! I can has a job. This is wonderful and amazing except that my hours are terrible. Not in an "oh, man, I wish I had more" way, but in an "oh, man, these hours are crazy" way. I've only just started, so I don't actually know how many days I'll be getting (most likely 5 or 6 a week), but I do know that my shifts will be from 7pm to 5am. This will probably severely affect my playing as seen by my not being around at all for the past few days. THAT SAID, I know that I've dropped threads in different places and if you would like to continue them, please let me know (links would be nice) and I will try and pick them up when I can.
ETA: As of now, I am currently working about 4 days a week (very occasionally 5), and my shifts are usually either 6pm - 2am or 7pm-3am (with the occasional 7pm-5am shift). Travel time either way is about an hour. This means I usually get home about 3 or 4am play for a few hours and then pass out until around 2 or 3pm, depending. Which gives me a couple hours to play, eat, etc. until I leave for work, and then the vicious cycle repeats itself.