Gally 2013 blurry phone photo report, part four: hands up who completely forgot to post this

Mar 02, 2013 19:37

*raises hands*

I'm Jamie McCrimmon. This thing is comfy as fuck. Took bad phone photos, then hauled luggage downstairs while room-mates checked out, and did some blogging while the others went to the Freema panel. Too early for all that, I decided: I mean, I'd been sleeping awkwardly on two chairs for the past three nights, one of which kept rolling away every time I shifted in my sleep. My poor spine.

Blogged a bit, then spilled tea on myself (class), then immediately afterwards ran into Fraze by the elevators. Mercifully, he seemed not to notice I was covered in tea and gave me an enthusiastic hug anyways because he liked my outfit. Made me promise to find him later so we could photo. Can we just hug forever? Can that be a thing we do? He smells really good.

K-9 babyyyyyyyyy

There just aren't enough Steven and Dodo cosplayers out there. Love these guys.

Then I found myself in the middle of a rather heated bickering session between Nine, One, and Six. Decided it was too many Doctors for one Jamie to handle, so...

... I found another Jamie instead. Here's Fraze looking bloody gorgeous, and me looking like a total derp. That sums up a lot of the weekend, I expect. It was nice how much we got to just hang out and talk about stuff like animals and food and everything let me love youuu. So many hugs! *sobbing*

At some point in there was the voice acting panel, which was a touch of awkward, if I remember correctly. Then more panels, which I'd by this point nearly learned not to bother trying to get photos of. Oh well. Then closing ceremonies and videos and all that yadda yadda yadda which was fun but largely kind of boring when the people you'd been hanging with have gone home for the weekend and you haven't found anybody else to wander around with yet. Wandered out feeling a bit drained and forlorn, as I tend to do when I'm on my own at things like this too long. Felt a bit like hurling myself into the sun.

Afterparty. Ran into Fraze again straight off the bat, whom I hadn't noticed was there until he came up and gave me the hugest hug and a little kiss and enthused more about my outfit and was really nice and smelled really good and he said something charming and I said something charming in response and why didn't I just grab him by the lapels and hide him in my purse until I was tipsy enough to seduce him without feeling too shy it was lovely


Then ran into Gina and her fella and Gary Russell and chatted about stuff, which was nice, then wandered off in dire need of a drink, and the stand-offish bartender was kind enough to oblige with a curiously strong gin and tonic (though I think he only noticed me because Tony Lee flagged him down for me. Do I look like I don't tip or something? Fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)

Mercifully, the drinks-making robot doesn't discriminate. And he packs a punch! That vesper, whatever's in a vesper, has a sting in its tail.

Spent most of the rest of the evening circulating with new friend Dominic, who'd been dressed as Seven over the weekend with a kickass umbrella. It wasn't until the night was seriously wearing on that somebody finally asked if I wore my kilt like a true highlander. I shamefacedly had to admit I had a pair of blue pants on under there, not wanting to scare congoers in the event of, say, a sudden gust of wind. (Though I'll have you know, Mr. Ross, that while I forgive your commentary regarding my minge because you were probably wasted, I'll have you know it's very pretty.)

Wandered upstairs physically and emotionally exhausted, the luxury of getting to sleep in a real bed drawing me into an only mildly troubled sleep.

(Might have wept a bit with feels.)

*sobbing*, my doofy face, gally

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