
Mar 31, 2012 22:38

Let's just sum up my current state of being in a gif:

Well-dressed despair indeed. The more I've looked into it, the more there really is no way of me financing my education, barring a spectacularly unprecedented surge in etsy sales, which, given that I sold about four things this month, seems unlikely. Likewise, the extra work hours don't exactly seem forthcoming, and to be honest, I can't really be there more often than four days per week or so without wanting to stick my head in an oven anyway.

I don't know what to do with myself now. Needless to say, I'm really blue right now, and there's not much that can bring me out of it.

But somehow, out of this profound sadness,

In commentary for the Doctor Who serial The Abominable Snowmen, when asked if she found the yeti scary, actress Deborah Watling said she thought they were sweet and very cuddly and not scary at all. This inspired me to paint her character Victoria Waterfield and a yeti, having a nice warm snuggle. Ok so in the show she would have run screaming, but in my magical headcanon they became the very best of friends.

(It's also my headcanon that Victoria and the ice warrior Varga should have become BFFs and gone on adventures together; my headcanon really likes Victoria being best buds with giant monsters)

Subsequent to the above painting, I was asked by my dear friend captain-cabinets to paint the polar bear from the Mighty Boosh episode Tundra and the yeti from The Abominable Snowmen being awesome together, so here they are having a cwtch.

And then I painted Susan Foreman, being a totally cool Time Teen, doing some hip and cool dance moves to her fab tunes on the radio. Inspired by her introductory scene in An Unearthly Child, but having taken the artistic liberty of dressing her in the stripes she doesn't wear until slightly later in the serial. What can I say, I love stripes.

Also, some new stuff is now prints over here, and an exhibition of some of my works opens Monday at the West End Library, so go me.

sad tiems, mighty boosh, bad art, film school woes, doctor who

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