Art Post is artsy, plus a sartorial conundrum

Mar 20, 2012 23:06

Here are some things I've been up to lately.

gina_r_snape wanted to see a mashup of the people of the Boosh and the Classic Who serial "The Mind Robber," specifically the famous scene with the TARDIS console floating in nothing-space and that long, slow-motion shot panning across Zoe's hot pumpkin ass. She also wrote this delightful fic to go with my painting, and I highly encourage you to go read it because it's adorable.

Steven and Hi-Fi are total BFFs. I imagine that after sorting out the mess on the savages' planet, Steven and Hi-Fi went on to have all kinds of adventures and shenanigans together.

Five Rounds Fabulous
While watching a livestream of "The Five Doctors" with some splendid chaps the other morning, the wonderful Mrs. Brig suggested there wasn't enough artworks out there celebrating the utter sassy BAMFness that is the Brig. I was more than happy to do my part in correcting this.

Also, I have a mild clothing-related dilemma.

Well, basically, there's this one, which is less expensive, but a tad on the snug side, but will serve admirably and is an inch shorter:

or this one, which is more expensive, but a more relaxed fit, but an inch longer:


boosh, classic who, the mind robber, bad art, doctor who, morning coats

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