Sami Kelsh Eats New York: Day Eight

Oct 05, 2011 22:20

Hey, it's another video! Exciting times in the land of stormy stormy NYC, with the amazing, beautiful, brilliant, creative, beautiful, genius, wonderful Gina-R-Snape

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Featuring the music of the amazing Tomboyfriend. GO BUY THEIR ALBUM, DO IT NOW

And some arty film photos OH )

sami kelsh eats new york, picspam, adventures

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gina_r_snape October 7 2011, 18:11:41 UTC
My home looks so much more interesting through your camera.

Food box <3



doctorpancakes October 7 2011, 18:50:36 UTC
Your home is interesting, just like you!

Someone should design and make a fridge that looks like a TARDIS, don't you think?



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