Music Meme - The Beautiful Letter B!

May 21, 2011 15:15

I don't do memes much, but here's one I stole off bluestocking because yeah.

The rules:

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload) 510 songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

It was Gosh darn hard whittling this playlist down to ten songs.

Hayden - Bad As They Seem
Hayden has been feeling my pain since the early nineties.

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Sonic Youth - Brave Men Run (In My Family)
The beginning of this song, after the intro, when the big cacophonous chord just hits you like a wall of noise, is one of my favourite moments in music.

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Tori Amos - Black-Dove (January)
Oh Tori. She feels my strange, strange, otherworldly pain.

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The Adverts - Bombsite Boy
I don't know why these guys aren't remembered as much as like the Sex Pistols and shit when people think classic punk rock, because fuck I love the adverts.

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Kleenex - Beri-Beri (this video though idk wtf)
Kleenex (later known as LiLiPUT) are one of my favourite bands ever of all time ever. Basically a gaggle of Swiss girls in sweatshirts and jeans making some of the most freaking ridiculously amazing music ever.

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T. Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)

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Seona Dancing - Bitter Heart
OH GOOD LORD IT'S TEENY TINY RICKY GERVAIS! Is it wrong that I actually like these guys?

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Orbital - The Box, part 2
Which takes me right back to some of the things I was into in the 90s that I can still listen to without them feeling, you know, embarrassing.

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Spank Rock - Bump
Which I like so much I named a story after it.

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Mint Royale- Blue Song
'Nuff said, yeah? (Incidentally, apart from the obvious reasons, Neil Claxton [AKA as Mint Royale] is also an absolutely top bloke and Seerauber Jenny, his current band with Fran Barker, is flipping excellent)

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i am so bored, music, meme

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