Today is awesome!

May 17, 2011 21:52

So apparently Dr. Cuddy's leaving TV's House.

The impact on the show remains to be seen I guess, but the shitstorm erupting in parts of the fandom is FUCKING PRICELESS.

IN OTHER NEWS, something my coworker told me about today. She was having coffee with a friend, and a couple walks into the coffee shop. The woman turns to my coworker's friend and says "OH HI LEANNE!" and Leanne's like "uhh, hi." and then the man turns around, stunned like a deer about to coincide with a rapidly approaching Ford F-150, and says "OH HI LEANNE," and she's like "hi Dad." and just kind of turns around.

This sparks off a bizarre pantomime, which goes something like this:

Woman: Oh, hi Mike! Fancy seeing you here! Would you like to stop for a tea?
Dad: Gosh, I'd love to, you casual acquaintance of mine, but I'm afraid I have to get back to work!
Woman: Oh well, have a good afternoon!
Dad: You too!

To which Leanne is visibly perturbed. After they leave the coffee shop, she confides that she's quite certain that that is the woman her dad's having an affair with. This is reinforced by the fact that she and my coworker leave the coffee shop 15 minutes later, and HER DAD'S CAR IS STILL IN THE PLAZA PARKING LOT. Yup, he and his ladyfriend totally aren't having a coffee in the restaurant a few doors down. This, combined with the fact that Leanne has seen this woman hanging out at her father's office when she's turned up there and nobody else was there, and it's totally not the kind of workplace that people just randomly hang out at. AWKWARDEST COFFEE BREAK EVER. Now the poor woman is left debating how to tell her mom.


In other news on the fictional front, plugging away at a wedding, a trip to Henley regatta, a squashed Ribena, running into some exes outside a Wagamama in Earl's Court Road, reprehensibly awful filmmaking and pureed foods, riding around on the tube, and an athletic man called Anders who takes very efficiently short showers. I think that's about it? Am I forgetting anything? Probably.
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