Random picture post of things that I may want to remember when writing stuff I'm writing

May 06, 2011 19:07

Because it turns out I do actually spend hours poking around the internet to answer questions like "what kind of car would this character drive?" and "what shirt is so-and-so wearing to the picnic?

Also here's that time I went out nightclubbing in Newport (scary) and Gemma and I got stuck at this club until like 4 in the morning because Sam blacked out and went home with Gemma's coat check ticket at some point and I couldn't go home alone because I didn't know how the fuck to get there. Then Sam woke me up at like 9 to spend like 20 minutes hugging me because he was scared I didn't make it back.

(Incidentally, these were all taken with a very expired Pop Idol disposable camera that apparently cost Sam 50p)

Please excuse me while I laugh so hard I very nearly pee myself.

In other news, tomorrow is new chapter night (read: last chapter ever of Another Sky, so if you were waiting for that thing to be done, you're welcome) and I may or may not have eaten like four dinners tonight.

bad photography, cars, slash, shirts, writing

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