Another Sky (7/11)
by me, doctorpancakes
Fandom: Nathan Barley
Pairing: Dan/Jones
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1149, this chapter (8707 so far)
Warnings: mentions of ladies' complaints, women talking amongst themselves
Disclaimer: oh Gosh, I still don't own them.
Author's Notes: This chapter is late because last night I had my once-every-two-years
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That is... that is just so perfect and hilarious and awesome, I can't even. I'm going to hug you now, okay? THIS IS HAPPENING.
(Also, I hope that you're feeling much better today.)
All right. Now for the real reviewing. First of all, I kind of want to give everybody a hug after this chapter, you know? So much uncertainty and worrying! Carys might be a bit of a flake (okay, more than a bit), but I do feel for her here, trying to adjust to the weirdness of having a baby and then... just trying to go back to her old life, like it never happened. It doesn't matter that she's happy to be giving the baby up for adoption; it would still be a Big Thing to adjust to, emotionally.
And oh, Dan and Jones. Somehow it seems so fitting that their worries each reflect their own issues, with self-doubting Dan fearing that the failure will come from within him and he'll inevitably screw it up, and Jones secretly worrying that they won't get a chance to be parents in the first place, because he already knows too much about disappointment and abandonment. Awwww, boys!
And then you bring it all back to that gorgeous flashback, reminding us of what they've already overcome together, and I know it's going to be okay. Because they've got each other, no matter what. &hearts
Also YES. YES YES YES YES YES BINGO. This is what I worried about so much writing this. Carys is going through a huge thing here too. It's Dan and Jones' story, but she's, you know, a huge part of it, and this isn't easy for her, it's not going to be easy. She's a bit superficial and pretty flaky, but she's got a heart, you know?
Oh Gosh. You are so lovely and your reviews give me such happies. :) I maybe slightly got a little bit wibbly and misty-eyed reading this, because THEY ARE GOING TO BE OKAY DAMMIT *sniffle*
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