So that's that then.

May 09, 2013 00:42

Today was my last day at the office. After 13 years. I got hugs and well wishes from everyone and they even all apparently chipped in and bought some British currency to get me started in the UK, blessums. I honestly couldn't have wished for a more nurturing or supportive work environment to have spent over a decade in. I mean, it had it's screamingly frustrating elements as any job does, but I'll miss it. I was slightly tempted to close my "bye everyone" email with the "one day, I shall come back..." speech, but decided it might have been TOO dorky, and everyone seemed to think that what I did come up with was terribly touching.

I cried all the way home.

Now it's just cleaning and packing and cleaning and packing and waiting for my new iphone to arrive (don't get too excited - I picked the cheapest model currently available and am mainly getting it because Three has an unlimited data plan and I'll need something to check emails from anywhere while I'm desperately scrounging for work in Manchester. Plus, it'll be kind of handy to have a phone that has maps, living in a new country and all.)

I'm really pleased that a few people have bought prints since I've had them on 20% off with coupon code SASSMASTERS (seriously, of all the coupon codes I could have come up with, that's the one that stuck) because I have no idea where I'm going to store all this stuff, and expenses up the wazoo and unemployed and and and also they're very nice prints of stuff.

(Some lovely person even bought one of Adric! That's nice.)

Now I'm just drinking a cup of Ben and Polly blend tea, and contemplating requesting a viewing on a fourth flat. I'm tempted not to, though, just because it's in the city centre and I don't fancy the extra expense of a Metrolink pass if I end up working for the Beeb.

my life is a big bowl of asdfghjkl;, brb sobbing

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