Bully picks on fat kid. A lot. Bully finally gets his ass handed to him. School suspends the bullied victim.
Original video:
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6d6_1300111637 Probably my favorite so far:
http://dai.ly/fPRwIw From:
http://www.caseyheynes.com/ I swear to god, if my kids ever get suspended for finishing a fight they didn't start (self defense), I'm going to reward them with a trip to disney during the suspension.
I'm going to make a video of the vacation, including a section where I mock the school with Cinderella's Castle in the background, for being moral cowards by hiding behind "zero tolerance". When we get back, I'm going to send that video to all the local news outlets in addition to posting it on youtube.