The case for OC

Apr 26, 2010 12:24

Originally Posted By Barbara:

Keep in mind that anyone who objects to a gun that they can see objects to guns they can't're just allowing them to live under the illusion that guns aren't all around them.

And this is the fundamental reason OC is an important part of the overall gun debate.

We all know that the sheep are experts at pretending. Pretending they're safe, pretending threats don't' exist, pretending guns don't exist, out of sight out of mind, etc etc. OC brings the idea that guns can and are carried legally and safely into their consciousness.

When guns are part of their daily consciousness, they aren't foreign objects they don't understand, and therefore fear. When guns become a common object of daily living, they are no longer feared, and when they stop fearing guns, they stop supporting legislation like the AWB and local antigun regulations.

Be cleancut. Be polite. Be an educator and ambassador. Make it easier for the hard working volunteers in lansing like SAFR, to get good laws passed.


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