Nov 29, 2006 18:57
its been awhile since i have read or had time to write an entry on ze ole lj.
whats up niggas?
ok, a lot has happened.
the tstorm lost her job at panera, in the most gangsta of ways, and thus the gang and i quit. now, its not only that t isnt there anymore... its more because if i, or em, had to work alone with our new gm, something of horrible porportion would occur. (ie: me setting the store aflame)
anyways, em and i work down at 56/post at ft harrison pb. its a pretty long commute BUT they gave the the via position.. you know the one that the spinesless, lying fuck aroy had in anderson. what a fag. give me two minutes alone with that guy and so help me god. id probably just verbally abuse him with semantics he has never heard. though, i would bitch slap him.. like the little bitch he is.
i miss joshie though. and merlin. its a pretty sad story. work was like a family and i feel like i ran out on them. hummm. i have also had this job longer than any other. excluding the dq for high school jobs really dont count.
the good thing is, is even though i basically walked out before my shift, the transfer went well and now i am getting paid more to hang out with mexicans and hoodrich homies from geist/lawrence. like a glove.
the plan stands that we are looking for a place on the east side... not a far commute from either work, a-town or ems mom. i hate 465... that will never change.
the beast is well... just in case any of you were wondering.
thanksgiving was okizzer. i went down to indy and spent the day with eas fam. it was nice. we saw a movie. ate food. drank wine.
mmmmm, vino.
i havent really heard from the brother... hes working at biglots... probably moving heavy things or something. i wonder if he can go shopping with me and get me a KILLA discount for xmas.... hummm. jewish.
mijana is having her own conflict... senior jitters, i think. the girl is a genius, she just needs to realize that things come around and always pan out. ... also that it is fate and not faith... damn harris and his fundamental ways.
you know it was said to me that someone called our childhood 'deprived'... well, the only truth in that stems from that bastard who would rather avoid child support.
ok, i have to go to work. nomore of the 5-1's. my sleep schedule is fucked. but its ok.
later team. oh.