I felt a slight impact during the early morning, but assumed that it was something heavy falling on my floor. If this is what's known as a "flood", I can't say I'm particularly intimidated.
A ship can be operated by its avatar. Perhaps he's taken a fondness for your programming. [Suddenly totally convinced the "Admiral" is an AI representing the vessel.]
A ship has three representations that it can adopt. The primary AI, which operates the vessel and obeys raw commands, and pursues objectives. The holographic interface, which allows the crew to communicate with the vessel and applies an element of reason. [Which is what he was assuming the Doctor was, but apparently he's not.] And the avatar, which is an android that physically interacts with its environment and crew, and if they're incapacitated they can man the vessel. They're all based off the same personality, but because of different input they can have differing opinions on how to handle a situation.
The Andromeda Ascendant, the ship I was stationed on, only had the first two. [Ships can go crazy, though, so he imagines that the Admiral could easily be this ship's avatar.]
Our ships are very intelligent, but few of them gain true sentience. [Because willful ships are hard to command.] It seems likely to me. Were he charged with a mission and lost his original crew, and had a ship of such capabilities, perhaps he chose not to cease.
[Now he's wondering how many of those ships hung around after the fall of the Commonwealth without captains or pilots or operators of any kind.]
Of course it's only speculation. I can't imagine how the ship itself is responsible for fulfilling the deals, unless it simply finds the right reality to drop you into.
It's possible he's an omnipotent being, like the Q. It isn't beyond the bounds of imagination that a sentient android - or any other form of artificial intelligence - could gain those abilities, given time.
I don't believe we've met, by the way. I'm the Doctor.
In at least one universe they developed the ability to touch. [He has to stop himself from adding "Commander" to the name.] I'm Gaheris Rhade. Are you- [Whatsit called? Oh yes.] -Starfleet like Captain Kirk?
I am. My previous assignment was aboard the USS Voyager as Chief Medical Officer. [He has to stop himself from adding "And Emergency Command Hologram" to his list of credentials.]
[...Oh what the helllll.]
No, no, no. He knows I'm a hologram.
The Andromeda Ascendant, the ship I was stationed on, only had the first two. [Ships can go crazy, though, so he imagines that the Admiral could easily be this ship's avatar.]
I'm not the holographic interface. I'm a warden here.
You think the Admiral is an android? It seems as likely as any other explanation, I'll admit - no one seems to be able to describe the Admiral.
[Now he's wondering how many of those ships hung around after the fall of the Commonwealth without captains or pilots or operators of any kind.]
Of course it's only speculation. I can't imagine how the ship itself is responsible for fulfilling the deals, unless it simply finds the right reality to drop you into.
I don't believe we've met, by the way. I'm the Doctor.
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