[The Doctor is looking very festive; he isn't wearing the sweater provided by the Admiral, but rather
one he's programmed for himself. Might as well get in the spirit of this Christmas stuff.]
[He's not sure what time it is around here. :|]
After this port and the recent incidences of the sniffles, I'd like to remind you all to stop by the infirmary for treatment if you find yourselves experiencing symptoms. We don't want an epidemic on our hands, do we?
[Private to Wardens]
Health concerns aside, I've been assigned an inmate. Can anyone tell me about Cara?
Is anyone personally acquainted with her?
[Private to Cara]
Cara, I've been assigned to be your warden. Would you agree to meet with me? You're my first inmate, and I'd like to start off on the right foot.
[Private to Data]
All's well, I hope, particularly concerning your discomfort regarding Sherlock Holmes?
And your inmate: I'm concerned regarding the injury you described to me. Have you spoken with him about treatment?
[Private to Barge!Santa]
Santa Claus,
Fascinating. Since my arrival, I've experienced a compulsion to compose a letter to you; I understand this was a common practice of the 20th and 21st centuries - for children, of course, but as the old adage goes: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Well, then. Let me begin by stating that, as a hologram, there's nothing I need. However, if you do visit me on Christmas Eve, I'd like a holo-imager. I've always been a bit of a shutterbug, and I'd like to have some holophotographs of my new crewmates.
I understand it's polite to ask for gifts for others, as well. In that case, here is a short list of requests:
For each of the of my colleagues in the infirmary - not only the doctors, but the hard-working assistant medical staff, as well - I'd like to ask for a gift basket of some kind. Something to suit their individual tastes, of course.
For Commander Data, I'd like a
decorative meerschaum pipe. For Commander T'Pol, some Vulcan spice tea.
For Captain Kirk, some Antarean brandy.
Omega should receive something, too. Coffee? No, make it
a bottle of Raktajino.*
Finally, for my new inmate, Cara: it wouldn't be appropriate to give her something expensive or intimate, but perhaps a bracelet with
Lobi crystals? I think that would do nicely.
I don't know many others on the ship, but I will eventually make acquaintances - and friends, too, I hope - so if you could give each of them something traditional from me, I'd appreciate it. A large candy cane and a Christmas card seem appropriate.
The Doctor
Emergency Medical Hologram Mark 1
The Barge
[*Which apparently actually does come in a bottle. Weird.]
[Private to the Admiral]
I'd like to request several medical supplies.