May 15, 2006 16:42
Main Entry: as·phyx·i·ate
Pronunciation: -sE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Forms: -at·ed; -at·ing
transitive senses
: to cause asphyxia in; also : to kill or make unconscious through inadequate oxygen, presence of noxious agents, or other obstruction to normal breathing asphyxiate intransitive senses
: to become asphyxiated -as·phyx·i·a·tion /-"fik-sE-'A-sh&n/ noun -as·phyx·i·a·tor /-'fik-sE-"At-&r/ noun
v 1: deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing; "Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow";
Oh,, how I love thee!