Jackie and Katrina

Aug 29, 2005 20:03

I used to love me some Live Journal, but I think my blogspot account is really where it's at for me. The only problem is not many people I know check out my blogspot account. Maybe I'll just quit bitching and update both regularly. Yeah, that's the ticket...
Have you ever noticed that whenever a hurricane comes along people lose their shit and act like it's the worst thing that could ever happen. I swear it almost gets as much coverage as, say, I don't know, a terrorist attack. Why don't we wage war on Mother Nature? Seriously folks, if we all don't pretend like New Orleans doesn't exist, then Mother Nature has won. And this naked aggression won't stand. Either you are with us, or you are with Katrina, and the "eye" of evil. We have found the weapon of mass destruction and it is The Weather Channel and all other news stations that have nothing better to do than constantly update my ass about the speed of the wind in Louisiana. Does Britney still live there? God, I hope so. Maybe she can come out and denounce the damage done. And then regale us with a version of "Hit Me Baby One More Time" that includes references to hurricanes and shit.
Anyway, just finished Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday. Really good. Highly recommended.
Digging the new New Pornographers album "Twin Cinema." Pick it up. It's a grower, though.I
I was gonna ramble about the new Death Cab for Cutie coming out tomorrow, but I may save that for my blogspot account. Give you all faithful readers something to look forward to. All two of you.
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