Jeff, John, Woody, and I went to my old stomping grounds today (ie: Lander University, Greenwood, SC). The whole day was a weird nostalgic head trip that I don't think I was prepared for. I'm sure John and Jeff were rather bored all day. Truthfully, I got rather bored after a while. Thankfully, Jeff was there for me to bum smokes from. I might not have made it through the day if I hadn't gotten some nicotine in my blood.
Day three of my "no refined sugar" diet. I had a headache straight from the depths of hell today when I got home. Emilee called me out for being grumpy. I should have been nicer to her, after all she started back to school today. But she doesn't get kids until next week. So really it's not like starting back at all. Hmmm...
Check out my music reviews I wrote for the Link this week. The Link's a free paper that is owned by the Greenville News. I'm not sure how I feel about it. But don't tell the editor I said that, because I sure do like the money he pays me.