Jun 11, 2004 23:30
Following with my trend of writing these late at night, with absolutely no point to them I have phylisophical question. Well, techniqually its just a stupid question with far too much thought put into it. That aside, here it is:
If you find a penny on the ground and then a few minutes later, you find a second penny. The next day, you buy a lottery ticket and win several million dollars. Which Penny is luckier? Which Penny got you the million dollars? If the second penny got you the million dollars and the first penny got you the second one, is the first luckier because it got you the million dollar penny? Or is the first one the penny that got you the million dollars? Or, did the pennies' luck cancel out and you yourself are lucky? Does a lucky penny only have one spurt of luck in it or can it work more than once? Many of the question of Scott S, so you can blame him for me wasting your time to read this.