Spy Apocalypse : First Dawn -- for bravotwozero, cia_jayhawk

Mar 06, 2006 22:38

It had been roughly a week since his three days of grace from Emma had been done with. If he stood still long enough, he could still faintly remember what it was like to walk without pain. To jump. To run. He had to be careful, not to forget that his time was up, that he wasn't pain free, sometimes. Discovering that the hard way hadn't been fun when he sprung up out of his chair and ended up on his knees on the floor.

The phonecall had come late the night previous, short, simple, and to the point. The training class which had previously failed their field rating test would be retested the following day. Kyle couldn't say much, just something about a mock drill and that Joyner would be putting them through their paces.

House had laid awake in bed for awhile after telling his wife what was going on -- she already knew most of it anyways, but the thought was still there to let her know -- and even after she'd fallen asleep, he focused on her breathing and stared up at the ceiling in the dark.

He still had that week of walking, from Lilith. He hadn't used it yet. All he needed to do was fall asleep and tell himself he was ready for his week and his wish to be granted, and it would happen. Part of him was very skeptical -- this was a wish, afterall -- then again, the whole situation with Emma hadn't been entirely clear either.

Part of him wanted to use it right then. Wish it, mean it, and wake up and be able to pass the test, the drill, whatever she threw at him. Part of him wanted to save it for later. The first part wanted to see the look on the bitch's face when he strode into the bullpen ready to kick some serious ass.

He didn't know what to do. So he just watched his wife sleep. Watched the cat sleep on his wife. Shifted on the bed to look at his leg, run his fingertips over the scar tissue and rough skin. Quietly, he slipped out of bed and reached into the bedside drawer, grabbed his badge out, and limped out into the kitchen without a sound. He spent time running his fingertips over the cool metal of the badge and the smooth glass of a tumbler half filled with scotch and ice.


An hour later, after staring out at the backyard, and finishing he drink, House wandered back into the bedroom and replaced his badge in the drawer, then slid into bed next to his wife, managing a small smile when she turned at the shift in the bed and wrapped her arms around him.

He laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes.

When I wake up, He thought, I want my wish to come true. I want my week of freedom from pain.

The alarm was set for six AM.

ooc: Using House's wish from Lilith from around Christmastime. A week of painfree ability to walk.

roleplay with brittany

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